Izabela Cormier
Spiritual Director / Retreat Facilitator & Founder of Porch Swing Soul Care
Deacon, Missio Mosaic, AMiA
SD, North Park Univeristy, Chicago
BS, Loyola University, New Orleans
Workshops & Teaching
Curious about how spiritual formation resources can equip your ministry leadership team? Desperate to learn about soul care rhythms and routines to prevent burnout?
As a creator, artist, performer, and daydreamer, I’ve found myself wildly caught up in the gifts of spiritual formation. Through Porch Swing Soul Care, I endeavor to provide soul care resources and experiences, especially to those who care for other souls.
I am an ordained Deacon through Missio Mosaic, a member of the Association of Covenant Spiritual Directors, a sponsored minister of the Mosaic Network and I serve my home congregation through Preaching and Intercessory Prayer. I received my training in Spiritual Direction from the Weborg Center at North Park University.
During my 8 years leading congregational worship, I was humbled to learn from some wonderful philosophers and pastor/theologians who shared their time with me in conversation, while I continued to study the Christian scriptures. My heart was shaped by the sheep in the flock I was a part of leading. Through this role, I learned to walk with people through all seasons of life, and to get muddy with the sheep.
Because of my own story, I have become passionate about trauma-informed, culturally-competent soul care, and desire to share these ministry models with faith leaders and organizations.
I am a charismatic contemplative, with a high regard for scripture and intentional community. I am motivated by Jesus’ vision of unity for the Church, and have been formed in the “three-streams” of Christianity. I frequently find myself in crossroad spaces, where I work toward unity amongst Jesus’ followers, despite denominational differences. The Way of Jesus will never cease to mystify my mind, challenge my heart, and inspire my body to act in Kingdom ways. I follow Jesus into the counter cultural paths that lay before me.
I am particularly interested in accompanying ministers and creatives, as they endeavor to care for their souls. I am honored to holding space for them as they engage honestly with real faith questions, learn to express their spirituality in creative ways, and to behold the wonderful beings they are ever becoming.
Our souls deeply desire to rest in their Creator. A moment of spiritual direction is like witnessing the soul meeting its Creator. I will always be in awe of the honor it is to accompany people in their soul care journey.
Ministry Experience
Porch Swing Soul Care
August 2022 - Present
C. John Weborg Center at North Park Theological Seminary
August 2020 - July 2022
Chicago, IL
Canal Street Church
January 2016 - December 2023
New Orleans, LA
The Apple of His Eye Mission Society
August 2016 - August 2020
May - July 2015
Richmond, VA
Loyola University New Orleans
August 2009 - May 2013
Regional Theater Companies in the Midwest
September 2002-June 2009
“Truly transformational knowledge is always personal, never merely objective. It involves knowing of, not merely knowing about. And it is always relational. It grows out of a relationship to the object that is known—whether this is God or one’s self.”
David G. Benner, The Gift of Being Yourself